Structure and Function of Organisms
Bio 206L

Lab 10: Nest recognition in Harvester ants

Quiz Questions:       

1.     The scientific name for the ants used in this lab is _________________________.

2.     What is the category of chemicals called that functions as sex attractants as well as a means of identifying members of a  colony or caste of insects? _______________________

3.     Which female in an ant colony is the only fertile reproductive ant? ____________

4.     Female ants differ from male ants because the female ants are ________________ while the male ants are _________________. 

5.     How often does the fertile female ant of a colony mate? ____________________ 

6.     Each female ant  receives ____________ copy/copies of the female parent genome.

7.     Female siblings, on average, share _____________% of the genetic information they received from their female parent.

8.     Female siblings share _____________% of the genetic information they received from their male parent.

9.     On average, female sibling ants share ____________% of their entire genomes in common.  

10.    Worker ants can propagate their genes indirectly by ____________ the queen ant.

11.    In this lab you will be investigating whether or not the ants show a preference for their own soil or __________________________ and whether or not they show a preference for their own soil or _______________________.

12.    You should be careful when handling the ants because they can inflict a painful _____________ on the unwary.

13.    What kind of hypothesis will you be testing in the lab? ___________________________

14.    State specifically the hypothesis that you will be testing:

15.    How long will you observe each individual ant? ___________________________

16.    How many ants (n) will make up the initial small samples? __________________

17.    How many ants (n) will make up the pooled sample? _______________________

18.    What kind of statistical test will be performed on the data? __________________________________ 

19.     What happens to the null hypothesis if data are significant? __________________

20.    What happens to the null hypothesis if the data are not significant? _______________________________

21.    If the calculated T value was smaller than the appropriate T value in the Wilcoxan Signed Rank test table, what would do with your hypothesis? ______________________________

22.    If the ants have no soil preference in this investigation, how often would you expect to observe them on the non-nest soil samples? ___________________________ 

23.    How might the ants recognize their own soil from a sample taken from else where?  __________________________________________________________

24.    At what level of significance are we testing these data? _____________________ 

25.     If the data are statistically significant, what is the probability that these data  reflect a sampling error and are actually not significant? _____________________

26.    How often do we prove our hypothesis to be correct? _______________________


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