Structure and Function of Organisms
Bio 206L

Lab 2: Microscopy I

Questions for First Microscopy Lab


1.      The ability to distinguish two points in the specimen (i.e. see two points, instead of one) relates to a problem in using light microscopes termed _______________.

2.      The numerical aperature of an objective lens determines the ability of that lens to ________ portions of the specimen.

3.      A stain is used to induce ______________ in the specimen.

4.      The smallest element in a digital picture is refered to as a _____________.

5.      The total magnification through a compound microscope is equal to the magnification of the ___________ times the magnification of the _________________.

6.      Oil immersion improves light microscopy by increasing the _________________ of the medium between the objective lens and the specimen.

7.      ____________________ refers to the ability to distinguish objects on each side of the plane of focus.

8.      A microscopic technique used to increase contrast in an unstained specimen is ________________.

9.      _______________ is the stage of mitosis in which the chromatin material begins to condense into individual chromosomes and the nuclear membrane begins to disappear.

10.  _________ is the stage of mitosis when the sister chromatids begin to separate to opposite poles.

11.  _________ is the stage of mitosis in which cytokinesis, the separation of the cytoplasm to the two daughter cells, occurs.

12.  The objective lenses are held in a structure on the microscope known as the ___________.

13.  The protozoan you will study in lab this week is _______________________.

14.  The source of the tissue you will use to study mitosis is ____________________.

15.  The specimen to be examined with a microscope is placed on what part of the microscope?  ________.

16.  In the lab you will make scrappings of your __________ to look at epithelial cells.

17.  The stain aceto-orcein is used to stain what material inside of cells?   __________

18.  The lens system located between the specimen and the ocular lens is known as the _____________.

19.  What power of objective lens is usually used with oil immersion?  __________

20.  Scopes with a single eyepiece said to be monocular.  What are scopes with two eyepieces said to be?  ________________

21.  Working distance is said to be that distance between the objective lens and the specimen when the specimen is ____________ for your eyes.

22.  Which lens is likely to have the largest (longest) working distance?  The 10X objective or the 100X objective?   _______________

23.  The HCl (hydrochloric acid) is used to break down the ____________ of the cells used to study mitosis.

24.  To view the specimen on the microscope, the observer looks through the ___________ lens. 

25.  When you focus your microscope, you change the distance between the objective and the _________. 

26.  The symbol lambda in Abbe?s equation refers to the ______________ of light.

27.  A difference in the absorption of light by different portions of the specimen is the basis for ___________ (choose ?brightfield? or ?phase?) microscopy.

28.  The illuminator for the microscope is located in the part of the microscope known as the ________.

29.  The angle theta in Abbe?s equation is _______ of the angle of the cone of light entering the microscope objective.

30.  Mitosis is found in what portion of the root?  ___________


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