Current Hillis and Bull Lab Visit the Double Helix Ranch Lab Phylogeny Former Students and Postdocs

GARLI - by Derrick J. Zwickl (

(Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference)

May 2008: A new GARLI version has been released (version 0.96 beta) and the download page has moved to:

This is a major revision that adds many new features and improvements (listed at the new download page), and users should migrate from the previous version 0.951.

A GARLI information and support page has been created at:

Note that the OS X graphical version of the program has not yet been updated, but the old graphical version 0.951 may still be downloaded below.

The old (pre-May 2008) download page:

version 0.951 (posted 10/26/06, page updated 10/31/06)

Download GARLI version 0.951 (sample dataset and configuration file included):

GARLI version 0.95 manual: GARLIv0.95manual.pdf

Windows versions:

Windows executable:

Multithreaded Windows executable: (for Windows machines with multiple processors or multiple cores. May require installation of the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package", which is available here.)

Mac OS X versions:

Graphical Mac OS X application: (universal binary, requires OS 10.3 or later, interface designed by Jim Balhoff): GARLIv0.951.osX-GUI.tar.gz

Command-line Mac OS X application (universal binary): GARLIv0.951.osX.tar.gz (this must be run from the terminal, and cannot be double clicked)

Source code

Source for serial unix compilation: GARLIv0.951.src.tar.gz

Source for most recent parallel MPI version: GARLIv0.942.src.tar.gz

Current Hillis and Bull Lab Visit the Double Helix Ranch Lab Phylogeny Former Students and Postdocs