Pollution: Causes and Cures

Major pollutants in air: Sources

CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
2 sulfur dioxide
NOx nitrogen oxides
4 methane
volatile hydrocarbons

Effects on health

Smog:   cause and effect    Beijing and Los Angeles
Acid Rain

SO2 and NO2 react with water to form acids. Formation of acid rain.
Much rain is typically acidic now, occasionally as low as pH 2.
Limestone substrates neutralize it, other areas severely affected.
Kills or weakens plants, mychorrhizae, aquatic life.

Ozone Layer Depletion

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in upper atmosphere deplete ozone layer.

Chlorine reacts with ozone reducing it to atmospheric oxygen. Fig. 1.6
Increased levels of UV light result
"Hole" over Antarctica
- Graph of hole size - Graph of ozone layer thickness

Global Warming

reradiated heat trapped by these gases - greenhouse effect

CO2 , CFCs, methane, ozone, NOx are all greenhouse gases - pie chart Fig. 40.5

CO2 is most responsible - burning fossil fuels, cars, industry and burning forests. Carbon cycle.


CO2 emissions (a) by country (b) per capita

global temperature is rising 2-5 degrees F - mean global temps 1880-1995   Map of world

may cause shifts of biomes and climate belts

ice caps are melting: Simulation

rising sea levels may displace many people - Florida and London with a 1-meter rise. map of southeastern U.S.


expansion of distribution of tropical diseases like malaria

Energy sources

                  Turbines drive generators to make electricity

Fossils fuels   mining    Oil spills


Nuclear energy   Chernobyl accident






Available solar and wind energy


Solar: solar cell; solar panels; solar panels on building; 1939 solar house. Map


Wind: Map Graph


Geothermal   Hot Springs   Map


Tides    Wave



Pollution: soil and water
These 2 must go together because whatever is dumped on the land will eventually end up in the water.

Point source pollution
Non-point source pollution

 Pesticides and other toxins

poisons in food chain - DDT, lead, arsenic, mercury- Image

biological magnification - Image


Impervious covers: roads and parking lots

Soil erosion, compaction

Toxic wastes from landfills and dumps

- imperils both soil, water and animals. Graph and pie chart

                  Dumps: plastics


                  Reduce, reuse, recycle

Common recycling items: aluminum cans, glass, plastics, paper, tin cans, plstic grocery bags, cardboard

Never put these is a landfill:

batteries, cell phones, computers and their components, paint, motor oil, hazard waste, tires

Water pollution and overconsumption

From nitrogen and phosphorus added to water - eutrophic lake

Causes excessive algal growth and fish kills
From agricultural (livestock & crops) and sewage contamination and other
