BIOLOGY 212 - Genetics and Evolution

Fall 2003

Instructor: Dr. Jasper
Office: Patterson Labs 549; Phone: 471-2397
Office hours: Mon 10:30 -11:30 am and 3:00 -3:30 pm, and Wed 10:00 - 11 am, or by appointment.
The best way to reach me is by e-mail:
Lecture: M-W 12-1 in WCH 1.120

Teaching Assistant: Martin Timana
Office: FAC 313      E-mail address:
Office hours: Tue 10:30-12 and Thu 9-10.30, or by appointment.

Discussion sections:


Fri 8-9 

RLM 5.124 


 Fri 12-1

ETC 2.114 


Fri 1-2 

ETC 4.150 


 Wed 2-3

RAS 310 


 Wed 3-4

 SZB 284

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Mendelian and chromosomal inheritance, molecular genetics, bacterial and viral genetics, population genetics, evolutionary mechanisms and speciation. Prerequisite: Credit (grade of C or better) or registration for Biology 211.

TEXTBOOK: Biology, 6th edition, 2002, by Campbell, Reece and Mitchell.

GRADING: 3 lecture exams (100 pts. each), one final exam (150 points) and 50 points possible from discussion section activities (Possible total = 500 points). There are no extra credit points. Lecture exams: Will be mostly objective, with some short answer or essay. Each exam will only cover material since the previous exam. Be prepared to stay for the entire exam. No restroom/water/etc. breaks will be permitted during exams. The final exam will be comprehensive and objective (multiple choice and matching), though with an emphasis on the material since the last exam. Grading scale: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, below 60 = F. You must have your student ID with you at exam time for every exam. Exam scores will not be posted.

Challenges to exam questions or regrading requests must be submitted within one week from the time the graded test is returned to the class.

Missed exams may only be made-up if you have a written doctor's excuse, a family emergency verified by the university, or a religious holiday. According to university regulations, you must inform me 14 days in advance of missing an exam due to a religious holiday. If you know in advance that you must miss an exam due to a school event, let me know as soon as possible. If you become ill, e-mail me as soon as possible. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT CLASS PERIOD.

Important dates: Deadline for dropping without possible academic penalty (automatic Q) is Sep 24. Last day an undergraduate student may, with the dean's approval, withdraw from the University or drop a course except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons is Oct 22.

Communication is very important. Please visit with me or e-mail me if you are having problems with this course.

This class is conducted under the honor system of the university. This means that all work will be original (not copied) on exams and activities in both lecture and discussion section. Students failing to adhere to this code will be subject to the punishment dictated by your instructors and/or the university.