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Research Associates and Assistants

Research associates and assistants within the lab explore a varieity of topics including neuroethology, behavioral ecology, animal communication, and sexual selection. If you are interested in seeking a research position in the lab, please contact Dr. Cummings.

Robert Ian EtheredgeRobert Ian Etheredge

My Interests:

My research interests are broad and stem from the crossroads of imaging technology, optics, sensory ecology and social behavior. Current projects include the role of polarized light in communication and camouflage strategies; computer-generated visual stimuli for sensory-ecology research; and, polarization features for computer vision applications.


B.S. 2009, University of Texas at Austin


Zhao, S., Brady, P., Gao, M., Etheredge, R.I., Kattawar, G.W., Cummings, M.E.. 2015. Broadband and polarization reflectors in the lookdown, Selene vomer. J. R. Soc. Interface 12: 20141390. [PDF]


Matt Armstrong

My Interests:


B.S. 2016 (expected), University of Texas at Austin


Sindhuja Merugu

My Interests:


B.S. 2016 (expected), University of Texas at Austin